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[HANASHIR:9481] Re: Help, quick, how much for High Holidays?

Sharon said...
>$150 per service is even low for what I, personally, would ask to sing in 
>a choir for the high holidays (the last time I sang in a choir for high 
>holidays was in 1983 and I received $200 per service) to lead 
>worship, and be responsible for the music would require a great deal more 
>compensation.  To my knowledge, low end high holiday cantors receive 
>around $2000-$3000.  Experienced and/or credentialed people receive 
>$4000-$20,000 (maybe more?).  Temples always tell you that they have 
>budgetary concerns...ask for a fair price regardless of that line.

Thanks to everyone for your input on salary.  In addition, I called my 
Rabbi at our current and rather large synagogue and he quoted similar 
figures.  Money aside, there is the issue of whether this job is more than 
one person can do successfully...

So the next question is:
Have you ever been in HH situations where you were asked to sing + lead + 
organize + sermonize (or 3 out of 4 of these).  If so, what was your 
experience?  What did you do to make it a feasible task?  What was the 
biggest hazard?  Did you consider it a successful experience?

Any public and/or private responses are welcome.

Thanks again!

allenderL (at) acm(dot)org

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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