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[HANASHIR:9479] Sheet music available online

I have posted sheet music for the song "Words of my Mouth" online using 
Finale Notepad, the free music notation software.

The sheet music, mp3 file, and lyrics/chord sheet are all posted at:

If the sheet music isn't visible when you first try to open it, click the
link that says, "Download the Finale MusicViewer plug-in here." It's free. 

If you have original sound files, lyrics/chord sheets, or sheet music
you'd like to share, I'd be happy to post them online for you, or link to 
your existing web page; contact selinger (at) cua(dot)edu(dot) 

-Robin Selinger

Robin L. B. Selinger          also     Music Teacher
Associate Prof./Physics                Grades PreK-5
Catholic University                    Temple Shalom
Washington, DC 20064                   Chevy Chase, MD

selinger (at) cua(dot)edu

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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