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[HANASHIR:9321] Re: Fw: Do you qualify to sing the Blues?
- From: ShirMidbar <ShirMidbar...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:9321] Re: Fw: Do you qualify to sing the Blues?
- Date: Thu 14 Jun 2001 17.54 (GMT)
Rabbi R, I don't know the source of your check list, but I was born and grew up
in Memphis and played a lot or R&B there as a drummer/singer before moving to
the desert nearly 40 years ago, and I think the list is hilarious, wonderful
and quite accurate.
Yasher koach,
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
- [HANASHIR:9321] Re: Fw: Do you qualify to sing the Blues?,