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[HANASHIR:9299] Re: creative Yizkor service


To add to the embarrassment of riches that is flooding in re a creative 
Yizkor service, I'm going to mention one piece that is not sing-along, that 
requires a choir, but that is truly moving.  It is Louis Lewandowski's 
"Enosh".  "Humanity, like grass is its days, like a blossom in the field it 
blossoms, but a wind passes through it, and - it isn't."  When my 
synagogue's choir introduced it 2 yontiffs ago, the congregation considered 
"Enosh" by far the most affecting musical part of the entire Yamim Noraim.

Larry Kay

>   H & R Shubert <notfranz (at) total(dot)net> wrote: Has anyone done a 
> creative 
>Yizkor service?  For our Yom Kippur service, we are looking at adding some 
>music from outside Gates of Repentance and I'm looking for ideas. 
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