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[HANASHIR:9263] Re: Hava Nashira

Dear all,

I was a first timer at Hava Nashira this year, and I must admit that I was a 
little overwhelmed for the first two days.  It was great being around so many 
talented people and the teachers were so genuinely concerned about us, but it 
seemed like I'd never be able to retain anything.  Well, it wasn't true.  I 
retained a lot and the experience continued to grow for me as the weekend 
progressed.  Those were the most amazing Shabbat services I have ever 
attended in my life.  But the payoff came last night when I led a family 
service at my temple that was to honor the outgoing and incoming senior youth 
group leadership.  We had about 130 in attendance and I taught them the 
Ashrei that Ellen taught us in core.  (The music is by Peri Smilow and its on 
the Transcontinental CD that they gave us.)  We did it in three parts, 
everybody got it, and loved it.  My rabbis were truly impressed.  To me, 
being able to teach what I had just learned was exactly the point of Hava 
Nashira.  What became apparent was that I learned a lot from the experience 
of Hava Nashira itself and from watching so many great songleaders work.  
Thank you all for inspiring me to take some chances.

Michael Hersher
Sacramento, CA

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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