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[HANASHIR:9246] Re: Hava Nashira

 I feel like I really missed something. I didn't have any classes with Dan,
and only one with Jeff. I was in Craig's homeroom which was great,
especially Friday. YEAH 6!! such class spirit. And  I was in Rosalie's Core
section, and she was great. Which electives did Dan teach?

My husband found an MP3 file on the internet of the "snap crackle pop"
song.  He keeps playing it and singing it.
Http://    enjoy.

We don't have any scheduled services here until September when our student
rabbi comes back. The annual membership meeting is this Sunday. I will ask
the board for some possible dates for services this summer. I would like to
lead services at least once a month in June and July. I will also try to
get down to Indy a few times.  Usually on shabbat when we don't have
services our family sings songs together before and after dinner.  Being
around so many people was a wonderful feeling. we usually only have about
15 people at a service from Sept thru May and maybe 60 people for the High
Holydays.  Praying and singing with 130 people was such a wonderful and
touching experience.  I was playing one of the tapes of the choral pieces
we did in the car for my husband. He said he got goose bumps, it was so
good.  I am so glad I came this year. I'll be back.  Thanks everyone.
Education Director
Para Rabbinic Fellow
Temple B'nai Israel
Kokomo, Indiana
20 families

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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