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[HANASHIR:9203] Re: van option to & from OSRUI
- From: Carol Anderson <caanders...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:9203] Re: van option to & from OSRUI
- Date: Tue 29 May 2001 17.22 (GMT)
I sent her all the van info I have saved from the past 3 weeks. I was
keeping a file in case I flew in. IF she got my email it lists about 6-7
options. I don't think we have to be there by 1pm do we? I thought Check
in was at 1pm and the first activity wasn't until 4pm.
>Can anyone do better by this poor soul (see post below) than I can (i.e. a
>van to OSRUI earlier than 2:00 PM on Wednesday)? If so, please respond to
>her privately at LLRB29 (at) aol(dot)com(dot)
>Rick Calvert
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
- [HANASHIR:9203] Re: van option to & from OSRUI,
Carol Anderson