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[HANASHIR:9200] Athens, Greece
- From: MoppiesMom <MoppiesMom...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:9200] Athens, Greece
- Date: Tue 29 May 2001 13.58 (GMT)
Hi All,
Oopse! I posted the following message last night but I didn't indicate that
my daughter was staying in Athens, Greece.
Hi All,
My daughter is staying in Athens for the next six weeks. I was wondering if
anyone has a contact in the Athens area so that she can make a connection
with the Athenian Jewish community.
Thanks for your help. Sorry for the off topic posting.
Barbara Stambler
MoppiesMom (at) aol(dot)com
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
- [HANASHIR:9200] Athens, Greece,