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[HANASHIR:9189] Re: new house

Hi there, sorry for submitting this to the whole list but I don't know Randee's 
email address.


Can I get a copy of the lyrics to Debbie Friedman's Holy Place? you can fax 
them to and tell me how much they cost? This would be most appreaciated. Please 
reply privately to me at listmember (at) ldwriter(dot)com(dot)

Thank you,

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Emworobey (at) aol(dot)com
Reply-To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 09:46:34 EDT

>In a message dated 5/25/01 8:14:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>meris (at) nycap(dot)rr(dot)com writes:
><< I believe in Debbie Friedman's blue "Blessings" songbook there's a song
> about a "holy place."   Maybe Judy Ginsburg knows exactly what I mean.
> Sorry - don't have time to go look it up, but it's quite a beautiful song.
> Meris Ruzow >>
>That's exactly right, Meris.  It's called "Holy Place" and it's on page 24 of 
>the "Blessings" songbook.  I'm planning on singing this next Shabbat morning 
>(week from tomorrow) at our synagogue's dedication.   (Thanks Rachelle for 
>suggesting it!)
>Emily Worobey

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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