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[HANASHIR:9180] Ideas for reading materials on a Jewish musical career
- From: Lawrence Kay <LarryTheKay...>
- Subject: [HANASHIR:9180] Ideas for reading materials on a Jewish musical career
- Date: Thu 24 May 2001 21.43 (GMT)
Hi, everyone,
After 20 years with hazzanut and Jewish singing as my avocation (High
Holiday cantor, baal tefillah, a few years as a part-time cantor in the late
'80's, synagogue & Jewish community choruses), I'm thinking of making my
avocation into my vocation. But I want to be clear about what I'm getting
into. Right now, I am thinking of 2 possible career paths:
1. Pulpit hazzan.
2. Performing the duties of hazzan on a free-lance basis: cantorial
soloist, life cycle, tutoring (all ages). Maybe some secular singing, too.
Don't know if this is viable. Since I'm a free-lancer now (in computers), I
realize that the changeover would take time.
Oh, yes, my question! Can anyone recommend any books, serial publications,
Internet resources, etc. that discuss what it's really like to be hazzan or
a free-lancer? Of course, I'm already aware of one Internet resource,
namely Hanashir.
I have a list of about 7 pulpit cantors to talk to. But before I go
further, I'd like to do some research. I'll also mention that I'm more in
the dark about free-lance option than the pulpit option.
Thanks for everything,
Larry Kay
------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+
- [HANASHIR:9180] Ideas for reading materials on a Jewish musical career,
Lawrence Kay