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[HANASHIR:8952] Elanarose from Madison

This message is for Elana from Madison WI. I have been trying to email you 
and the message was returned. If you are seeing this, could you please 
email me at <lharari (at) templeisrael(dot)com>? thanks

Elana Shalom, I am just checking to see if you received my earlier message 
of a few weeks ago. I am Director of Jewish Living and Learning at Temple 
Israel, one of the Reform congregations in Minneapolis. I would very much 
like to be in touch with you about the possibility of your doing some music 
teaching for us next year. Could you please reply to this message and let 
me know if this is something you might be interested in? If so, I will put 
you in touch with the appropriate people here. We have a great learning 
environment at religious school and Hebrew school. I believe you would 
enjoy being part of the team. Looking forward to hearing from you. 
B'shalom, Laura Harari

At 03:00 AM 04/30/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>                             HANASHIR Digest 1216

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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