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[HANASHIR:5432] Calton cases

Hi all!

Peter and I made a sound (pardon the pun) business decision and wanted to
share it with you. We purchased Calton cases for our guitars. These
fiberglass cases are very sturdy and made with great attention to details.
The cases have given us peace of mind when we travel, particularly when the
airlines are handling our much-loved guitars.

We ordered them through our local music store and it took about two months
for them to arrive.  Each case is made to order to fit your specific guitar.
If anyone wants more information about them, feel free to email me privately
at ellen (at) peterandellen(dot)com(dot) I'm sure the music store from which we 
them would be happy to do so for anyone else.

Ellen Allard
Worcester, MA

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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