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[HANASHIR:5404] Re: Albert Uzan

I checked Harvard's On-line catalog (reachable at 
telnet:// or at and found
nothing.  Harvard has the world's largest collection of Jewish commercial
recordings (something over 10,000), so this probably means there's little if
anything out there (unless it's locally produced).  Perhaps he's on some
kind of cantor's compilation (for whatever it's worth, I've never heard of
him either. . .).  Do you know his dates, by any chance?

Looking through Harvard's book collection, there are several titles from the
1920s on Tunisian Jewish folklore by Michel Uzan, and there's one book
called "Ha Oleh Min HaMidbar" about someone named Aharon Uzan.  That's all I
can find, though.

Good luck!

>From: "David & Susan Esterman" <estermans (at) paradise(dot)net(dot)nz>
>To: <hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: [HANASHIR:5403] Albert Uzan
>Date: Thu, Mar 2, 2000, 4:21 AM

> Can anyone help me with information on CDS or cassettes by this cantor?
> A colleague has requested anything I can track down, and I have drawn a
> blank so far.
> thanks in anticipation!
> Sue Esterman (songleader/musical co-ordinator)
> Temple Sinai, Wellington, NZ

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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