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[HANASHIR:5382] Sher Music and Israel

Hi all,

Although I recognize that this may not be the most popular thing to say I
felt compelled to enter this debate as a devil's advocate. In general, it
seems to me, people ought to conduct their business relations in a manner
that is as consistent as possible with their moral views of the world. The
classic example is the economic isolation of South Africa during apartheid
(a policy which I imagine most of us supported). This policy, of course,
hurt some individuals in South Africa and certainly made bridge building
harder, but was justifiable because of the morally objectionalbe nature of
the regime. 

Now, one can debate the moral status of Israel vis-a-vis the Palestinians.
But it does seem to me that a person who believes that the Israeli
government is an oppressive regime engaged in religious and ethnic
discrimination, torture, and illegal occupation, might well make the
reasonable decision to boycott economic relations with Israel in its
entirety. It is my personal opinion that as Israel seems to currently be
involved in good faith efforts to change and reform at least many of its
objectionable policies, now is probably not the time for such a stand. But,
it does not seem to me either unbelievable or pathetic for a person with a
different (and at least somewhat plausible) moral analysis of the world, to
choose to conduct his economic affairs in a manner that is consistent with

Well, there it is.  I am interested to hear what others think.


Ethan Bueno de Mesquita
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Government
Harvard University
mesquita (at) fas(dot)harvard(dot)edu

>Elad's report is almost unbelievable, though pathetic is more like it.  I 
>sent the following to Chuck Sher Music:
>> Dear Mr. Sher -
>> Your refusal to sell your music books to citizens of Israel has now been
>> noted on a number of music related bulletin boards.
>> Since I do not wish to start a war of words between us, let me say simply
>> that music is supposed to bring understanding between people, not drive
>> apart, which is what your "policy" appears to be doing. There are many
>> ways for you to express your political opinions without demeaning the
>> sacredness of the art-form which is the very essence of your business.
>> Read the loving tribute of Edward Said (a Palestinian) about Daniel
>> Barenboim (an Israeli) in the Arts section of The Sunday New York Times,
>> February 27, 2000.  Then think about whether your position makes any sense
>> or accomplishes anything except to reflect badly on your own sense of
>> judgement, which I believe is in the wrong in this matter.
>> Sincerely,
>> Jeffrey Klepper

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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