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[HANASHIR:5373] Re: L'cha Dodi

To Richard and to all those who love the version of the "L'cha Dodi" appearing
on the CD. Debbie Friedman taught the Dveykus version at Hava Nashira.

   I have the sheet music for the section of  "L'cha Dodi" written by Abie
Rotenberg of  Dveykus. The name of the song was entitled, "Boee Vshalom", and
can be found on the Dveykus 4 CD. I can't help you with the section of the
"L'cha Dodi" which was adapted from the Hopi Indians.

Rabbi Richard Schachet wrote:

> I am looking for the music from the new Camp Swig CD for L'cha Dodi--  Has
> anyone thought to put togther a book of all the songs on that CD..  It is
> wonderful.

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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