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[HANASHIR:5279] Re: Children's Bedtime materials?

In a message dated 2/20/00 9:48:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, Batya417 (at) 

<< For a presentation I will be doing (for parents)
 on (Jewish) children's bedtime rituals, I was wondering
 whether anyone has any special materials, songs, 
 or other resources that could be helpful. >>

This topic has come up recently in my Tots and Parents class.  I am going to 
recommend the following two prayers/songs the next time we meet:

Twinkle Kochavim (traditional, adapted by Andi Joseph) and
Thank You God (Doug Cotler).

The words for Twinkle Kochavim are:

Twinkle, twinkle kochavim, high up in the shamayim
When you say Shema at night, everything will be alright.
Twinkle, twinkle kochavim, high up in the shamayim.

This segways into the traditional Shema.

"Thank You God" by Doug Cotler is another wonderful piece.  I did it with my 
Pre-K and K last Sunday and just as someone else (Rachelle?)  said not too 
long ago, "a hush came over the room."

Emily Worobey

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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