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[HANASHIR:5262] Re: HANASHIR digest 803 Choir Soloists


I've found that with my synagogue volunteer choir, most of them really aren't 
interested in solo work.....they are just happy to sing with a group, and the 
idea of singing a solo would terrify them!!  Ususally, there are only a few 
people interested.  I rotate giving solos, or I'll even break a solo into 
smaller parts, or put two on a part.  I'd poll your choir, if you haven't 
already.....not too many may actually be interested in solo work.  You never 

Hope that helps a little!
Shawna Sabransky
Choir Director, 
Congregation Solel
Highland Park, Illinois

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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