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[HANASHIR:5212] Re: Anyone know a Purim song to "Polly Wolly Doodle"?

I think it's the one that goes "in shu, shu shu shushan long ago -

Oh Haman was a high and mighty bluff 
In shu shu shu shushan long ago
He ordered Mordechai to take his derby off
In shu etc.

CHORUS - So we sing, so we sing
            So we sing and raise a row
            For Haman he was swingin
            While Mordechai was singin
            In shu shu shu shushan long ago.

(That much is from memory!)

If you send me you fax number, I have a copy of the verses on an old song 


------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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