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[HANASHIR:5202] Something musical

Since (I believe) this list was created as a discussion of music and all 
things musical, rather than the correct usage of the word "Xerox" (could we 
be MORE petty?), I would like to offer an experience I had this morning.

I teach K-5 music at religion school and had no idea what to do.  On my way 
to work, I slipped a Hava Nashira tape into the tape deck, and it was Craig 
Taubman singing "Shiga'on."  I thought, "what the heck?" and proceeded to 
teach this fantastic song to each class that came to music today.

As a change of pace, and as a learning tool, this is a must.  In fact, I 
overheard one first-grade girl saying to her mother on their way to the 
parking lot "did you know that Agvaniot means tomatoes in Hebrew?"

If you have not taught this piece to kids, you should.  What a wonderful 
experience!  The original recording is on "My Newish Jewish Discovery," but I 
think the version Craig did at Hava Nashira is better, as it has some extra 
phrases (or you can ad your own).

Just thought it might be neat to talk about songleading,


------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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