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[HANASHIR:5174] Kol Hanshemah

I teach music three days a week and have been teaching both the more 
traditional version (the one that was recently recorded on the last DF CD) 
and a newer version  of Kol Ha-n'shamah.  The version that i most recently 
taught starts with shiru and although i am not sure who wrote it the kids 
love it (a friend taught it to me)

Anyway, as I was teaching today I was corrected on my hebrew which suprised 
me because i assumed it was kol hanishamah both because that was the way it 
was taught to me and also because there is the slow version which says the 
word "hanshamah" as "hanishamah" ....i looked it up and the person who 
corrected me was right.  

I felt this need to tell everyone here about this because it is important 
that we are teaching the hebrew right and this is something i always heard 
wrong.  so the word should be pronounced as it is in the more trad song 
"Hallelu" and not in the more modern song "kol Hanishamah"

Any comments to why we have been singing it wrong or if maybe i am really 
wrong now would be great.
B'shira v;shalom,

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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