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[HANASHIR:4857] Re: A success

In a message dated 1/9/00 8:59:59 AM Central Standard Time, 
ellen (at) peterandellen(dot)com writes:

<< The concert featured our very own
 talented Laura Berkson who wowed the crowd of 23 people who attended. She
 shared a selection of original compositions, as well as a few written by
 other songwriters. It seemed as if everyone left feeling lifted and either
 more connected or re-connected to Judaism and to music. >>

Mazel tov to you, and to Laura, and thanks for being such an inspiration and 
for helping spread the word about Jewish music!  We hope to do one of these 
house concerts sometime in the near future down in our "neck of the woods"!

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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